Mic Codes

Apply for a MIC Code


In the UK the Manufacturers Identity Code (MIC) register is maintained by British Marine on behalf of the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

If you wish to check if a specific MIC is registered please enter the code in the box below, including the country code, to find the registered boatbuilder's details.

Please note that this manufacturers register is only for vessels placed on the market after the 1st of January 2021. For enquiries regarding vessels placed before 1st of Jan 2021 please email technical(at)britishmarine.co.uk 

If you wish to register a MIC please use the search facility to check specific code availability and then follow the instructions.

Only letters or numbers from 2 to 9.

About the company

MIC Code Details

Personal Details

Please write a letter requesting the specific MIC code and submit below, the letter must be on headed paper with the statement “request ### as my MIC” within the text, the request may be submitted in PDF, Word, Pages, JPEG form.